
Monday, March 14

Ok, I'm back from spring break and I'm gonna try harder now to keep up with this. As always, have fun, click some ads, ponder some questions, and feel free to comment.

Q. For a million dollars, would you not talk to your best friend?

A. No. A million dollars would be nice and all, but to not talk to my best friend? The question doesn't have a time limit, so I'm assuming it's a forever type of deal. So no, talking to my friend is worth more than a million dollars.


I'm a bad Blog Mistress

I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've kinda been in a funk and haven't really done much of anything. Anyway, I have a week off for spring break starting March 7. I'm not sure how much posting will get done during that week, but once I get back, I will try my hardest to update every weekday. If you're antsy about seeing the new question up, send me an email (missegg@gmail.com). Also, if you think you'ld like to join the contributing team, let me know and something might be worked out.