
Friday, Oct. 1

Thirty days until Halloween! Hey if you can think of a better reason to celebrate October first, let me know. Alright, since I'm going home this weekend, I thought I'ld post this lovely question about vacationing. Have a good weekend, and I'll be back with a question on Monday.

What is one vacation destination that many people think is fabulous, but which you personally have no desire to ever visit (or revisit)?

It's a sign

http://bash.org/GODvsBUSH.gif go here...laugh...then vote.


Thursday, Sept. 30

Hello again to all my friends. Hope your week is going great. If not, it's almost the weekend. Since yesterday's question wasn't as 'deep' as the other questions, I thought I'ld give ya'll a question to really think about. So enjoy it and I personally recommend actually thinking about the answer to this one.

Is there anything you'd willingly give your life for?


Wednesday, Sept. 29

The question today comes from Harry again. Harry has his own blog now, so go there and click his ads when they get up. His is more of a regular blog than mine, but a whole lot funnier. http://harryq.blogspot.com Ok here's Harry's question. It's more of a poll type question, but if you can find some deep meaning and want to address that, go ahead.

Do most people wipe their left-over poop standing up or while sitting on the pot, and are there gender differences?


Tuesday, Sept. 28

Howdy boys and girls. Looking at the stats I noticed that (predictively) the stats were almost nonexistant Saturday and Sunday. So do you, the people, want a question everyday? Leave me a note in the comment section. Also, if you have a question you want featured, email it to me and I'll consider it. You can find my email in my profile. Alright, here's the moment you've been waiting for: Tuesday's question.

If you could choose only five people to ever be/talk/associate/whatever with ever again, who would they be?


Monday, Sept. 27

Happy Monday everyone. Hope your weekend was fun. I had a blast this weekend and got a new shirt out of the deal. Alright, keep on clicking those ads, I need to pay for school somehow. Think of it as charity work. You're such a good samaritan. Here's a question to start your week with. Posting of answers is highly encouraged!

If you were God for a day, what would you do?


Friday, Sept. 24

Ok thanks for clicking those ads! I made 43 pennies yesterday! WHOO! If you come here please click the ads on the bottom. It does no harm to you, but in theory I'll make some extra money for college. Thanks. Alright, here's the question.

After your death, an author will write your biography. What will the title be?

Enjoy your weekend, I know I will! Go Blackjacks!

Free Food!! For real!

http://www.campusfood.com If your school is on the list, you can get free food. I had free pizza tonight from Godfather's. It really does work, but you only have a few days left! Ok, enough with that, Friday's question will be up soon...enjoy!

Thursday, Sept. 23

Ok, here's Day #2! Whoo...very interesting isn't it? Alright, on to the question. This one is from yours truly.

If you could freeze a moment of time (doesn't matter the length) and relive it as many times as you wanted, describe the moment you would freeze.


Wednesday, Sept. 22

I got this idea from my high school English teacher (Go Mr. L!). Everyday (excluding weekends) I will post a new question. Let me know if you want my answer in the post, in the comments, or not on the site. Feel free to answer the question in the comments if you feel so inclined. Just so you know, we had to write a half page every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I won't make you do that. The first question comes from my friend Harry.

If you you were buying a new toilet, and it couldn't be either plain white or plain black (or any other "typical" toilet color e.g. off white, mother of pearl, etc.), what color would it be?