
Wednesday, Dec. 1

Happy December everyone! This means it's only 2 weeks and 2 days until Christmas break for quite a few of my friends(including myself) and then Christmas will descend upon us.

Q. If you could commit one crime without being caught, what crime would you commit?

A. I would rob someplace that would allow me to live comfortably the rest of my life. I won't go overboard, because even though I wouldn't get caught, the neighbors would talk and I'm sure they have better things to talk about than little ole me. Just enough that I wouldn't have to work. I probably still would for awhile atleast, but not that much. And then I'ld just lay around the house and get fatter and lazier. Maybe I'ld buy some exercise equipment, but probably not.

Tuesday, Nov. 30

Alright, straight to the question.

Q. If you had to be a member of another family you know, which family would you join?

A. Hmm...this is tougher than it seems. I know a lot of family that look perfect, but when you get to know them better you realize they have flaws. I think I would pick Cousin Lynnsey's family, just because I wish Lynell was my father. *I was going to say, "...just because I wish Lynell was my daddy." but I thought it sounded dirty.

Monday, Nov. 29

Thanksgiving break really threw me for a loop. I was sick Monday and didn't feel like updating this yesterday, so here it is Wednesday morning and I'm doing three days worth of questions. But I need to get into the writing mood so it's a good thing all around.

Q. If you could go back to any age and start a different life, what age would that be?

A. I would go back to right when I popped out. I don't want to change my past because that would affect my present, and I don't mind my present. I'ld rather start completely over than change this life.


Wednesday, Nov. 24

Happy Turkey Day tomorrow! I'm really sleepy and I have to be awake in three and a half hours. Normally this would mean I was doing homework late into the night, but not this time. This time I just didn't feel like going to sleep. But now I do so I'll post the question and be on my way.

Q. If you could choose the way you will die, how would you want it to happen?

A. I would like to go quietly in my sleep, for no real reason. I don't want to have to suffer a long time, I just want to simply pass in to the next realm, what ever it may be, peacefully. These questions get kind of morbid sometimes don't they? Oh well it's good to think about and be prepared for these types of things.


Tuesday, Nov. 23

Whoo! It's early Tuesday morning, and I'm putting up the question for Tuesday. I rule! I gotta be up and gone by 10 am to get tickets for Joe Nichols. I'm pumped. I'm not sure if I'm going to have a question on Thursday or Friday yet, so you'll just have to stop in and check!

Q. If you could have the home phone number of anyone in the world, whose would it be, and what would you say to them?

A. I would want the home phone number of my exboyfriend. I would call him and say, "Hey, remember me? What happened? Do you think maybe I could have the pieces of my heart back now? KTHX." I'm just a little bitter. I would also like the home phone number of anyone that would like to be my boyfriend, as the position is open and I am currently accepting applications.

Monday, Nov. 22

Well I really meant to update this earlier, when it was still Monday, but this goes back to the whole I'm lazy thing we've talked about.

Q. If you could have the answer to any question, what would you ask?

A. I would ask what job field I will find happiness with in the future. Then I would get that job...and be happy. Wait, maybe I'ld just ask for the winning powerball numbers. Yea that's what I'ld do. Then I'ld win...and be happy.

Friday, Nov. 19

Yea I know, it's late...but what can I say? How about a question? I can say that!

Q. If you just learned that you were to die in exactly one hour, what would you do?

A. I would write a quick letter telling everyone I love that I loved them, then I would drive home as fast as possible to be with my friends and family. Oh and I would cry a lot. Because that's what I do.


Thursday, Nov. 18

Wow, this week is flying by! And I'm going to go to bed after I post this (I know, it's not almost dawn for a change!).

Q. If you could be on the cover of any magazine next month, which magazine would you want it to be, and what would the caption say?

A. I don't know if Powerball has a magazine, but that's the one I want to be on. The caption would read "Meet the newest Powerball Multimillionaire!" That would be great. Then I wouldn't have to worry about picking a major.

Wednesday, Nov. 17

Yeah, I know, it's Wednesday afternoon and I'm just now posting the question. I'm sorry, but here's the question.

Q. If you were to adopt an orphan from another country, which country would the child come from?

A. I would adopt an orphan from either Germany, Russia, or some former Russian state. BABIES ARE CUTE!!!


Tuesday, Nov. 16

Whoo...I'm playing around in Firefox right now, and I think once I get used to it, I'll like it better than IE, but it's going to take a little getting used to. Anyway, I'm going to post this then go to bed and try to get my sleep schedule a little closer to that of a normal person.

Q. If you could eat one food in any quantity for the rest of your life with no ill affects whatsoever, what food would you choose?

A. I would have to go with Chicken and Broccoli over white rice from the Chinese Restaurant in Monte. I love it and since I have "no ill affects whatsoever" I can eat and eat and not gain any weight from it. Plus, with the no ill affects clause, I wouldn't have to worry about the gas that broccoli often causes in people.

Monday, Nov. 15

Ok, I have to write a speech criticism and I'm not doing so well so far so I figured I could just as well update this and who knows, it might even help.

Q. If you had to eat in only one restaurant for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

A. Burger King. They have all kinds of different foods and even after working there for 2+ years, I'm not sick of it. Not to mention it's usually cheap, especially with a employee discount. So yeah...good ole BK for me!


Friday, Nov. 12

Yea, just pretend I wrote some witty and amusing introduction here.

Q. If you were given $5,000 to spend in one store in the world, where would you do your shopping?

A. Walmart. I would love $5,000 to spend at Walmart. I could probably buy a small house or something like that. I know it's not a fancy store but I can't pass up a good deal!


Thursday, Nov. 11

Hi...I don't have much to say today...I don't have school today...Ummm Happy Veterans' Day...they deserve it. Stay safe over there boys and girls, we want you home soon!

Q. If you could cast an actor now alive to play you in a new film, what kind of film would it be and who would you choose?

A. I would choose Jennifer Tilley, because she's lots of fun. I think it would be either a romantic comedy, a musical(I don't know if or how well she can sing), or some crazy indie film that doesn't make sense.


Wednesday, Nov. 10

Well I'm trying to go to sleep, but it's not working, so I thought I'ld post on here a little early. Maybe then I can go to sleep.

Q. If you could be instantly fluent in one other language that you currently do not read or speak, which would it be?

A. I think I'ld like to be instantly fluent in Russian. It's a crazy language with a completely different alphabet. It would be fun to learn but it would also be a lot of work. So to be instantly fluent in it would rock. It would also be helpful to be instantly fluent in html, but I'm not sure if that counts as a language or not.

Tuesday, Nov. 9

Howdy boys and girls. I'm making some changes as you can see. Not only is the look of the blog changing, but I'm also going to start posting my answer to the question right up here in the actual post. I'm hoping it might get more repeat visitors and it can't hurt to brush up on the old writing skills. Alright, here's today's question.

Q. If your plane was about to crash and you had time to write one quick note, to whom would you write, and what would you say?

A. I would most likely write the following:
To: All of my friends and family
I want you to know that I loved you all very much, and I regret not saying it more. Please know that my last thoughts are of all of you and the good times we've had. Always remember the good times.
Amy Eggert


Monday, Nov. 8

Ok, I just did a quick update for the four days I missed. I got busy and lazy which equaled no updates, sorry. Anyway, I have homework to do and I've already put it off for a very very long time (big surprise) and I really should go do it....yep, really should...ok ok here's the question.

If you could be a contestant on any game show, which would you like to be on?

Friday, Nov. 5

If you could put anyone in prison, who would you lock up?

Thursday, Nov. 4

If one part of your body was to become a religious relic, which part would you like it to be?

Wednesday, Nov. 3

Ok, I'm just gonna post the question until I get caught up.

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what would you do?

Tuesday, Nov. 2

Whoo! Go vote! (pretend I updated this on Tuesday) Alright, here's today's question.

If you could have invented anything from history, what would you pick?


Monday, Nov. 1

Whoo! It's hobo week! That means that updates might be a little later than normal, but they will probably be up eventually. Also, remember to go vote tomorrow!

If you could receive one small package this very moment, who would it be from and what would be in it?