
Monday, March 14

Ok, I'm back from spring break and I'm gonna try harder now to keep up with this. As always, have fun, click some ads, ponder some questions, and feel free to comment.

Q. For a million dollars, would you not talk to your best friend?

A. No. A million dollars would be nice and all, but to not talk to my best friend? The question doesn't have a time limit, so I'm assuming it's a forever type of deal. So no, talking to my friend is worth more than a million dollars.


Blogger S said...

HELL YES. And I'd get around the no talking somehow.

I'd e-mail, IM, morse code over HAM radio, signal flags out the window or write letters (like with those writing sticks and those flat things that are supposed to be for origami). It just says I can't "talk" to them (ie. face-to-face verbal communication).

Failing that, I'd declare them "just a friend". The designation of "best friend" means absolutely bupkiss outside of kindergarten. Friendship is what you make of it, no matter what it's called.

I would find a way to communicate again. It's free money and I'm taking it one way or another.

March 19, 2005 at 12:04 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

The core of this question, can the core of you be bought for $1,000,000.

To me the crunch of it is do I need a million dollars.

At the moment no.

If my Mum needed an million dollar operation, then I do (I guess).

So an answer is to see the dollars as an intermediary between things you have and things you want.

While some people probably really want a million dollars worth of stuff, my suspicion is that under the harsh light of analysis most people just use 'a million dollars' as a metaphor for change in their life

March 22, 2005 at 8:18 PM  

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