
Monday, Jan. 31

Wow it's already February tomorrow. That's just crazy. Pretty soon I'll be done with my first year of college. I'm still not sure about what I'm doing next year, but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. In the meantime, have fun answering the questions and clicking the ads!

Q. If you had to pick your 3 favorite songs, which ones would you pick?

A. Hmm..just three favorites huh? Well let's go through the 4 and 5 star rated songs on my Windows Media Player and see which ones get to be the top three. I think "Battle of New Orleans" by Johnny Horton would have to be one of them, just because it's such a fun song and I can listen to for a long time before I get sick of it. "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright is also very good. I'm pretty sure that song made me want to marry him once or twice. "Chariots Rise" by Lizzie West is also very good. If you've seenThe Secretary , it's the song played when he carries her up the stairs and bathes her. "Baby Girl" by Sugarland kind of makes me want to cry sometimes. My current favorite happy song right now is "Bubble Pop Electric" by Gwen Stefani. I have 597 songs on my 4 and 5 star favorites list, so I think I'll just go with "Battle of New Orleans", "Bubble Pop Electric", and "Hallelujah". Yea, we'll go with that.


Thursday, Jan. 27

Today's question comes from Dragon Sneeze from Gaia Online. I would link it, but you don't want to go there. It's a bad place that sucks you in.

Q. If your life had a soundtrack, what song would be playing now?

A. Hmm...Right now I have that "If God was a DJ" song by Pink in my head, so I guess that would be playing and I would be dancing like crazy. But since my roommate is here, the hall is quiet, and I have a laptop on my lap, that's not happening. I'm really in a dancing mood lately. Perhaps I will dance dance dance this weekend. At Burger King. Watch out!


Wednesday, Jan. 26

I'm not having the best day in the world, but I did remember to update this. So I've got that going for me...

Q. Do you feel you have much impact on the lives of people you come in contact with?

A. I like to think I have a big impact on the lives of my friends, but I'm not so sure about the lives of people I just come into contact with. I'm the dumpster for a lot of my friends. They dump their problems on me and they feel better and I feel better because they feel better. I don't mind being the dumpster because if my friends aren't happy, I'm not happy. I don't have the highest self-image/esteem/worth so I base my happiness on whether or not my friends' lives are good. So in answer to the question, I don't really know. I feel like I have some impact, but I'm not sure how much or if I really do or not.


Tuesday, Jan. 25

I'm sleepy! This whole college thing is starting to get to me. Anyway, I should do my homework tonight so I can get to bed early enough. Atleast it's only a 9am class, not a 7am or something crazy like that.

Q. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

A. This is a dilly of a pickle. If you change something about the way you were raised, you change what you are now. I would like to change whatever it was that made me start biting my nails. I'ld also like to change how I first started studying. Maybe have some sort of reward system in place where I didn't get to watch tv or go online until after my homework was done and my parents actually checked it. Then I would have better study habits now. And not be so sleepy.


Monday, Jan. 24

I'm sleepy, but I have a feeling that if I don't post this now I'll forget about updating it later.

Q. Who are the three best looking people in Hollywood today?

A. Hmm. I would have say Vin Diesel for one. He's very good looking and I really really like his voice. Angelina Jolie is also very attractive and she oozes sex. As for the third person, I'm not exactly sure. I'm a big fan of Ewan McGregor, but I'm not sure if he would be third on my list. Colin Farrell oozes sex just like Angelina and he has the same "I'm going to do what and who I want, when I want." So I think I'll go with Vin Diesel, Angelina Jolie, and Colin Farrell.


Friday, Jan. 21

Sounds like it's supposed to snow tomorrow, hampering my trip back home. I was excited because I thought I was going to get to work, but I now I'm not so sure. Just in case I get stranded here, you should click an ad or two for me. Have a good weekend!

Q. Do you believe in euthanasia?

A. Yes. I think people should have the right to decide if they want to be spared pain and die peacefully. If they don't want to die by means of euthanasia, then no one should force or persuade them that way. If I knew that death was knocking on my door and it was going to be a painful struggle that my loved ones would have to witness, I'ld opt for euthanasia.

Thursday, Jan. 20

Sorry about not posting yesterday. I just completely forgot. Here's Thursday's and Friday's will be up either right after midnight or in the morning.

Q. If you could safely cheat on a test, would you do so?

A. Well yes I would and yes I have. They weren't major tests. Usually I end up cheating on math tests because math is my worst subject and I just bring some formulas that I'm not supposed to have. A lot of people cheat on little tests like that so I don't feel that bad about it.


Tuesday, Jan. 19

I have to go to sleep soon, 9am class tomorrow, so I'll keep this kind of short. Have a good day and make sure to answer Monday's question.

Q. Would you rather be given $10,000 to keep or $10,000 to give away to strangers? What if you could keep $1M or give $20M to strangers?

A. I know it sounds selfish, but I would rather have $10,000 to keep. I could save it for next year or the year after that for college or use it to pay off my loans. I know there are people out there that need it more than me and I feel really bad for them. When it all boils down though, I'ld rather have the money so that I can have a better life for me and my future family. When it comes to the $1M to keep or $20M to give, I'ld rather give away $20M. I could do a lot for myself with $1M but I could do so much more if I gave away $20M.

Monday, Jan. 18

Sorry I didn't post on Friday. I'm still getting used to being back at college. I'll try to post them earlier in the day from now on too. Also, if you use this as a meme, send me an email with the address of your blog. I'm planning on making a list on the sidebar of places people answer the Question of the Day.

Q. Who is one of your role models?

A. One of my role models is my mom. She grew up in the 50's and 60's and made most of her clothes. She was married and had a child by age twenty. She never got a chance to go to college, nor could she have afforded it back then. She never stopped learning. She's either been raising a family or working her whole life. She is one of the most upbeat people you'll ever meet. My parents decided that if I wanted to go to college, I would have to be responsible for paying for it. My mom is always willing to make me food to bring back to college, or sometimes even slip some money into my savings account. When I have children, I hope I can do half as good of a job as she's done.


Thurday, Jan. 12

Have a great day everyone!

Q. What has typically been your favorite school subject?

A. My favorite school subject has typical been Theater. I love acting and theater classes are so much fun. I'm in Introduction to Acting this semester and I'm not going to lie, I'm excited for it. I'm also not going to lie, it was Mexican night at the campus buffet tonight and I'm kind of regretting it. Back to the question, Theater was followed by English in a close second. Oh and German class was lots of fun, but that was mainly the people.

Wednesday, Jan. 12

Ok, I'm a little late with this, so I'll post Thursday's right away too.

Q. Is it better to love and lose or never love at all?

A. Definitely better to love and lose. If I never loved, I would die. Simple as that. To quote Moulin Rouge: "A life without love? That's horrible!" I really don't have anything else to add to this.


Tuesday, Jan. 11

Whoo...So far college is good. Keep on clicking the ads, I've made almost a dollar today! Thanks guys!

P.S. Send me any questions that you think you'ld like to make a question for today at missegg@gmail.com

Q. If you had to name the single most important quality of a good mate, what would it be?

A. I think the single most important quality of a good mate is having good people skills. That way they'll get along good with no only me, but also with my friends and family, which is very important. I don't really have much else to say about this. There are lots of good qualities a good mate should have.


Monday, Jan. 10

I wrote out the big check for tuition today. It made me sad. So if you feel like clicking on the banner ads, that would be great. It'll help a poor girl through college.

Q. If you were to receive a letter today from anyone you have known during your lifetime, who would it be from and what would it say?

A. Besides a letter saying my college was paid for, I would like to get a letter from any of my friends. Just a note saying hi and maybe talking about the good old days would be enough. It's nice to hear from other people and getting mail is always fun.


Tuesday, Jan. 4

Just some general notes for all the wonderful new people first. If you have any good questions that you'ld like to see on here, go ahead and email me with them. If you'ld like to read about how this all started, go here. Any other questions or whatever, feel free to comment or email me. And don't be afraid to comment, that's why I made it anonymous.

P.S. Thanks to http://controllercode.com for the link on your page!

Q. What would you do if you actually went to a nude beach?

A. If it was in the U.S., I'ld probably stay in my swimming suit, unless they made me be naked. If it was in Europe, I'ld be more willing to go naked. Nudity isn't that big of a deal in Europe and there aren't as many perfect bodies. All in all though, at this point in my life, I wouldn't go to a nude beach. No one wants that.