
Friday, Oct. 29

Oy. I'ld like to say I'm taking a quick break from studying, but I don't feel like lying. So I'll make this fast and then go back to trying to write an outline. Have a good weekend and a happy halloween.

If you had to sacrifice your own life for one thing, what would it be?


Thursday, Oct. 28

Well I launched the new site today. You can click here to see it. I will most likely be changing the template, but I don't know to what yet. Well I'm sleepy, so I'm gonna post this, do some other quick stuff online and then go to sleep. Enjoy!

If you could possess one supernatural ability, what would it be?

Wednesday, Oct. 27

Hey there kiddos, how goes it? My day is going good and I think it's only going to get better, especially after a short nap and maybe a trip to Goodwill. Anywho, I'm gonna go nap and clean my room. Have fun answering the question!

If you had to select any single manmade object that best represents your personality, what would it be?

P.S. I'm starting a new blog, but I'm keeping the details underwraps for right now. I'll let you know about it soon though.


Tuesday, Oct. 26

I need some more interesting questions to draw people in and to keep them coming back. If you have any question you've been wondering about or that you think would make a good QOD, let me know. You can either post it here or get ahold of me thru email(can be found in my profile). Well I'm unusally tired for 2 am, but I think I'm going to go to sleepy now. Have a quacktastic day.

If a photograph of one part of your body were to be used in an advertisement, which part would you want to be used, and for what product or service?


Monday, Oct. 25

I don't have anything interesting to say today, other than "Jibba Jabba VROOOM!" so I think I'll just post the question and go take a nap. Enjoy!

If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do?


Friday, Oct. 22

William Shatner+microphone+music=HILARITY! I could watch that all night. Anyway, I suppose I should post this before midnight.

If you had to be the underwear of someone famous, who would you choose to wear you?


Thursday, Oct. 21

It's supposed to rain tomorrow. It'll match my mood lately. Everything just seems so boring and I need a release. And the tv stations are starting to shut down already. Ugh. I'm gonna go do homework and then go to sleep and prepare for another exciting day.

If you could completely eliminate one of your pet peeves, what would you get rid of?


Wednesday, Oct. 20

Ok...no witty comment as my brain has stopped working. Now I'm going to open my dorm room door and maybe the man of my dreams will walk in and we'll live happily ever after...and maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt.

If you could have one person you know be your slave for one month, who would you chose?


Tuesday, Oct. 19

I'm in a really good mood. This is a good thing, except I can't think of a good question. Umm....OOOH I got one!

Would you rather be neither happy or sad (basically feel the same all the time, slight change in emotions but nothing drastic) or experience life with highs and lows?


Monday, Oct. 18

Wow, this month is just flying by. And man is it getting colder out. It's about 53 degrees Fahrenheit in my room(me and the heater are still working things out). Anyway, I should prolly go to sleep...Enjoy the week and keep warm.

Would you rather know what's going to happen or would you rather let fate/life take its course?


Friday, Oct. 15

Oy, you dedicate a question to someone, they get all high and mighty and think the site is about them. So here's question number 2 from the Schutz series.

If there was one burning building with the person you care the most about in it, and another burning building that has the people you care the second and third most about in it, and you could only save people out of one building, who would you save?

Thursday, Oct. 14

Ever have one of those days that kind of seems like a waste? Today was one of those. I should have just slept in. Oh well, it'll all over now. Today's question is for Schutz.

If you could bomb one building in the world without hurting any people, which would you blow up?


Wednesday, Oct. 13

Me go sleepy now. You answer question. *grunt grunt.......zzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzz*

If you had to have one piece of music softly playing in your mind for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be?

Tuesday, Oct. 12

I think I just want to sleep a lot. However, I can not. Stupid classes. Well enjoy your day.

If you just learned you had exactly one year to live, what would you do with your remaining time?


Monday, Oct. 11

I know, I know, it's really late, but you'll probably read this one and Tuesday's at the same time, so it's like a two-fer. Ok here's the question, since you've already waited so long.

If you could, in retrospect, thank one teacher you had in school for what they taught you, who would it be, and what would you thank them for?


Friday, Oct. 8

The weekend is upon us again. I added a new admin, Eric, to work on the template so there might be some changes happening, but it should all be worked out soon. As some of you may know, Monday is Columbus Day/Native American Day. Due to this, I have no school. What I'm getting at is that Monday's question will be up much later in the day than usual (most likely) but it will be up. Alright, have a good weekend!

If you could ask God any question, what would it be?


Thursday, Oct. 7

I don't really have much to say so I'll just get on with the question. Sound good to you guys? Good. Nice little question for a nice little day.

If you were to be granted on wish, what would it be?

Wednesday, Oct. 6

Whoo this blog is starting to grow beyond my friends. It's exciting. I'm also up to $3 on my ads. That is also very exciting. Anyway, I'm excited, you should be excited, everyone's excited. WHOOO! Ok these are signs it's time for bed. Enjoy your question for today. It's exciting...

If you won a lottery, what is the first thing you would do?


Tuesday, October 5

Oy, sorry I'm publishing this so late in the day, but I was busy last night and I didn't wake up early enough to do it today before classes. To make up for it, I found a question with more than one thing to answer. Bonus for you!

If you could take revenge on any person you have ever known, who would it be, why do they deserve it, and how would you do it?


Monday, Oct. 4

Hope you all had a good weekend. I'm still a little tired from mine, but it was fun. Without further ado, here's Monday's question.

If you could have any one specific power over other people, what would it be?

P.S. Do you want to know my answers? Should I post them in the comments or in the actual post? Let me know!